Physiotherapy assesses your musculoskeletal concerns, including joint, nerve, and persistent pain conditions. During a consultation, our Bright physiotherapist will carefully assess how your nervous and musculoskeletal systems function. This may involve moving you through different functional movements to assess your breathing, muscle activation, strength, and flexibility while considering your pain and comfort levels to ensure a plan of management that is individualized and effective for you.
Pelvic health physiotherapy is an emerging area within physiotherapy and urogynecology that involves the assessment and treatment of pelvic floor dysfunctions across the lifespan, including puberty, pregnancy, postpartum, and peri/postmenopausal stages. Pelvic floor dysfunctions can present in a variety of ways such as pain, weakness, leakage, and core dysfunction. We understand that pelvic health and chronic pain can be difficult to discuss so during your consultation, our physiotherapist will strive to create a safe space for you to share your concerns, which may include bladder leakage, painful sex, or pelvic pain.
Pelvic health consultations may or may not involve an internal examination, depending on your pain and comfort levels. Our physiotherapist is committed to working with you to create a treatment plan that works for you.
Medical acupuncture is a therapeutic method where fine sterile needles are inserted into specific anatomical points. By focusing on improving communication between your nerves and muscles thought electrostimulation, acupuncture has been shown to improve blood flow, reduce pain input to affected tissues, relax tense muscles, improve muscle activation, and restore joint function. Medical acupuncture has also been shown to improve pain thresholds in individuals with persistent pain, such as fibromyalgia and myofascial pain.
Birth preparation with our Bright physiotherapist is tailored to pregnant and expectant parents that would like to learn about optimizing their birth experience through strategies like labour positioning, pain management, and pushing techniques. For those preparing for a scheduled cesarean section, you will learn how to optimize your birth and recovery experience. Our physiotherapist uses your birth preferences, and the information guidelines from the Society of Obstetricians and Gynaecologists of Canada and Association of Midwives of Ontario to inform your consultation.
Please note, this session should be booked between weeks 28-32 of pregnancy.