Infant chiropractic care: Assessment and treatment for newborns and babies

Chiropractor treating baby's spine

Infants’ bodies are constantly developing and growing, which is why they need personalized care based on their individual needs. Chiropractic care for this population is very different from that of adults, however, the positive impacts it can have are significant. 

At Bright Health Co., our chiropractors use the softest touch and pressure when assessing and treating your baby (think of the kind of pressure you use to check the ripeness of a tomato). We use this gentle touch to find areas where your little one may be experiencing tension or discomfort and provide a soothing massage to aching or irritated muscles. Pediatric adjustments are performed through light pressure and holding techniques - nothing like an adult adjustment. These areas warranting adjustment are often identified when your baby is having trouble moving a certain way. 

We pride ourselves on open communication during the assessment and treatment so you always know what we are doing and why we are doing it. This open dialogue allows you, as the parent or guardian, to be fully aware of our recommendations for your baby’s care and empowered with knowledge when you leave each appointment. 

What we do during an assessment:

  • Have a discussion with the parent(s) and/or guardian(s) about the pregnancy, birth process, and all aspects of your baby’s health (i.e., development and milestones reached)

  • Explain each procedure to the parent(s) and/or guardian(s), and ask for consent at every step of the way

  • Visual assessment

  • Checking range of motion of each joint

  • Watching for movement preferences to identify areas of dysfunction

  • Checking reflexes to ensure a healthy nervous system

  • Light touch to identify areas of tension

  • Hands-on treatment as we find areas of complaint

Common reasons that parents bring their babies to Bright Health Co.: 

  • Well-baby check ups

  • Breast/chest-feeding difficulties (latching issues)

  • Upset tummies 

  • Sleep trouble

  • Lack of movement or muscular tone

  • Crawling difficulties 

  • Muscle tightness (torticollis is common)

  • Positional preferences 

  • Milestone check-ins 

Why do we have a special interest in caring for your little ones? Parents can sometimes feel confused and at a loss for how to ensure their baby is happy and healthy. With our experience and skill set, Bright Health Co.’s chiropractors are able to assess and identify areas where treatment is indicated to allow for the optimal development and comfort of your infant. We value the opportunity to see your babies grow into amazing little humans, and we are here to support parents through the ever-changing landscape that is parenthood. 

We look forward to providing you and your little ones a bright approach to your health!



The advice provided in this article is for information purposes only. It is meant to augment and not replace consultation with a licensed healthcare provider. Consultation with a chiropractor or other primary care provider is recommended for anyone suffering from a health problem.